Covid-19 Information

Hi all

Here are the links from the Government website to give you some information on what to do concerning Covid. I would suggest you not print them off because they change frequently.
Also if you have questions about working from home (for those that can) or any other questions concerning your duties for the week of the 10th to the 17th please speak to your principal, they have been given the direction to make a plan that suits their school as no two schools are the same. I hope some of this helps.
As always
Stay safe
Follow the rules
Be kind to each other
Information for those who have symptoms or tested positive
As someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, it’s important for you to complete these actions: Self-isolate right away. To prevent further spread of COVID-19, it’s important for you to self-isolate right away.
Information for Close Contacts – Follow the appropriate drop down.
Self-isolate immediately and follow the instructions below:. Complete a test 72 hours after the last exposure. You can only exit isolation if: PCR test: A PCR test collected at least 3 days (72 hours) after your last exposure is negative AND you are feeling better (fever has resolved and other symptoms are improving). OR. Rapid tests: Two rapid tests completed 24-48 hours apart are BOTH negative.
Infographic on “How to self-isolate”
Updated Oct. 18, 2021 COVID-19 INFORMATION How to self-isolate You are required to self-isolate if: • You have been advised by 811 or Public Health to self-isolate.
Infographic re “Someone in my household tested positive for Covid 19”
Understanding what it means to notify Close Contacts
Understanding what it means to notify your close contacts.
Updated Dec. 17, 2021 Who should I contact?