Job posting

NL#1723 – Teacher Assistant Posting 2023/2024

Positions: 58
Active Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 03:00 PM
Close Date: Friday, September 1, 2023 04:00 PM

Job Posting:  Teacher Assistant positions

Rate of Pay: $22.33 per hour ($23.95 per hour for LPN designated positions)(Rates currently under review)

Work Term: 10 Month Regular

Hours of Work: 5.5 hours daily unless otherwise stated in the individual posting.

PLEASE NOTE the following important instructions when applying:

1.   ALL CUPE employees are eligible to apply for these positions.  Positions will be filled on the following basis:

  • Firstly, qualified regular employees on the basis of seniority
  • Secondly, casual employees in the classification on the basis of the earliest preference date and required qualifications, and the greatest experience, skills and abilities. Casual applicants may be required to undergo testing and/or interviews to assess whether they have the greatest experience, skills and ability for the positions.
  • Thirdly, other qualified applicants.

3.  Testing may be required for regular applicants seeking to change classifications.

4.  Your resume and Education and Experience must clearly indicate how you meet the requirements for the positions.  You can update your Education and Experience and upload your resume by clicking on the Modify Your User Account button on the Home page.  Copies of all required certificates/diplomas will be required.  Casuals within the classification and Applicants seeking to change classifications must provide a Resume and/or Education and Experience to be considered for positions.

Applicants from other classifications and casual applicants who do not provide confirmation of Teacher Assistant qualifications will not be considered.

5.  If applying for multiple positions, you must assign a preference ranking to each position for which you are applying.  Your preference ranking and your seniority will determine which position you are assigned. Failure to accurately fill out your preference ranking may result in assignment to a position that is not the most preferred position available to you on the basis of your seniority.  After applying for positions, click on the Active Applications button to assign your preference rankings.

6.   All available Teacher Assistant positions, including vacancies caused by transfers to posted positions that become available (falldown positions), will be filled in this posting. Accordingly, falldown positions are posted for each school.  These positions will be filled only in the event that a falldown position at that school becomes available.  If you are interested in falldown positions at a particular school, you must apply for that falldown position and rank it in preference along with any applications you are submitting for posted positions.

7.  Regular Applicants will be automatically awarded the most preferred position they are able to obtain based on their seniority.  Applicants will not be contacted to determine whether they want a particular position and therefore should not apply for any positions which they are not willing to accept.

8.  Qualified casual applicants will be contacted with further information on interviews and/or testing.

Please note that these positions are subject to a Collective Agreement with CUPE Local 5050 which may be accessed at:



  • Nursing, LPN – REGISTERED, OR
  • Successful Completion of a recognized Teacher Assistant Program including a practicum component, or
  • Bachelor of Education, or
  • An equivalent combination of related education and experience including a minimum of 350 actual working days as a teacher assistant casual with CBVRCE.


  • knowledge of and experience with stages of child and youth growth and development
  • effective interaction and development of a positive rapport with children and youth
  • knowledge of and experience with exceptionalities (e.g., autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy)
  • proficiency with basic computer applications
  • proficiency with assistive technology
  • effective communication skills
  • proficiency with behaviour management strategies
  • problem-solving abilities
  • contribution as a positive member of the school community
  • diligence with confidentiality and privacy protocols
  • sensitivity and respect for diversity
  • ability to perform the physical requirements of the position

Teacher Assistant Programs offered through correspondence courses are not recognized programs. 


RESPONSIBLE TO:                 Principal or Principal’s Designate of school of employment

ROLE:  The provision of personal care, behaviour management support and/or instructional support to students under the direction of the principal, supervising teacher, and/or school team.


The responsibilities which are listed below provide an outline of the major responsibilities Teacher Assistants assume.

  1. Personal Care:
  • Under the direction of the supervising teacher and/or school team, the Teacher Assistant will:
  • Assist students with feeding, with toileting needs and personal hygiene as required;
  • Administer medication and carry out medical procedures under the direction of the school principal in accordance with Regional School Board policy and the Department of Education and the Department of Health=s policies and protocols on administering medication to students;
  • Assist students to move about during the school day, including lifting and positioning students, exercising and supporting as outlined in their Individualized Program Plan (IPP) or physiotherapy/occupational therapy plan, assist when embarking and disembarking from transportation vehicles, and accompany students to community based educational programs as appropriate;
  • Supervise students to ensure a safe environment;
  • Assist the students in the operation of support equipment as needed;
  • Assist students in dressing and undressing as required.
  1. Behaviour Management Support:
  • Under the direction of the supervising teacher and/or school team, the Teacher Assistant will:
  • Assist in promoting student=s emotional growth, well-being, and independence;
  • Encourage the development of student dignity and self-esteem;
  • Facilitate positive interactions among all students;
  • Help motivate students and encourage student participation;
  • Assist in the implementation of behaviour management plans as developed by the teacher and/or school team.
  1. Support for Instructional Program:
  • Under the direction of the supervising teacher and/or school team, the Teacher Assistant will:
  • Assist students in following programs, strategies, exercises and materials identified/developed and introduced by the teacher;
  • Assist the teacher(s) in the preparation of material;
  • Provide feedback to the supervisory teacher on his/her observations of students;
  • Accompany students to and from community work placements and provide support within these programs, as necessary.
  • Other related duties as assigned.