Student Protection Policy Annual Declaration

In the Spring of 2019, the Government passed amendments to the Education Act to strengthen measures related to student safety and protection.  To support the new legislation, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development made amendments to the Ministerial Education Act Regulations and released the new Provincial Student Protection Policy and supporting Procedures documents.  Together with the legislation, these documents:

  • require a Vulnerable Sector Check (which includes a Criminal Record Check) and Child Abuse Registry Check as a precondition of employment for persons working with students;
  • require RCEs/CSAP to collect Criminal Records Checks from employees every five years;
  • require RCEs/CSAP to collect annual declarations from their employees reporting any new convictions on their criminal record;
  • formalize the duty for an employee to immediately report to their employer if they have been charged with a criminal offence.

We are now implementing the requirement for all employees to annually complete a declaration reporting any new convictions on their criminal record.  As this is the first time a declaration has been completed, you are required to report any convictions on your criminal record.

You will complete your annual declaration through SAP Employee Self-Service (ESS) using the same log in information as your pay advice and other ESS functions.  Attached are detailed instructions on the completion of your employee declaration.   You are required to complete the declaration no later than sixty (60) days from the date of this letter (December 12,  2021).

In addition to the annual declaration, the human resource department is in the process of creating a five-year schedule for all employees to renew their Criminal Record Checks. If you are required to complete Criminal Record Checks this year, you will be contacted by Human Resources with further instructions.

The Cape Breton Victoria Regional Centre for Education recognizes the importance of maintaining employee confidentiality and privacy.  Only Human Resource Services staff or the Regional Executive Director or designate will have access to the information submitted. All records collected will be retained and stored in a confidential and secured location.

ESS/Annual Declaration Instructions:
How to complete the Annual Declaration if you have No Convictions

How to complete the Annual Declaration if you have Convictions 

How to complete the Annual Declaration if you have a Rejected Declaration

How to logon to ESS

How to re-set your password in ESS


If you have any issues logging into ESS, please contact the CBVRCE Helpdesk at 902-562-6868 or email

If you cannot see the “My Offence Declaration” on the “My Requests” tile in ESS, then please clear your cache in Google Chrome or use another browser (Firefox or Edge are recommended).

If you have questions or concerns about the process, please contact Daniel Harris, Human Resources at or 902-562-6485.